Stepping into the world of academia can be both thrilling and daunting. There are countless new experiences to embrace, an array of knowledge to absorb, and a multitude of opportunities to seize. A shining example of making the most out of these opportunities is Jenny, a driven and ambitious freshman at San Francisco University. She is the first in her family to be born in the United States and the first family member to attend college. Her journey is not just inspiring but also gives a glimpse into how one can leverage service work as a collegian to build a strong foundation for their life.


A Glimpse into Jenny’s Service Work

Jenny is the Special Events and Apparel Vice President with Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity on the SFU campus. Despite being a freshman, Jenny’s responsibilities include planning and executing the fraternity’s school-wide charity event, designing apparel, and planning pledging events. Her involvement has helped provide service at local food banks, monthly beach clean-ups, and weekly soup kitchens. Not only gaining networking opportunities for herself but giving back to the community is a vital link in her growth as a student. “Aside from service as a brotherhood, we also foster friendships and build bonds with one another as well as uplifting and helping each other be leaders and their best self,” said Jenny. In addition to Alpha Phi Omega, through her federal work study, Jenny also tutors at Hillcrest Elementary in San Francisco as a reading partner. Three days a week she is assigned a student to guide and catch up on grade level work.

Academic Life

Last year, Jenny was awarded a Daniels Scholarship and just recently received a scholarship through Boys Hope Girls Hope headquarters and the Micron Foundation to support Asian-American and Pacific Islander collegians. Currently, she is a nursing student and would like to be working in pediatrics. Aside from nursing she wants to work in marginalized communities. “I want to provide good ethical healthcare that is sometimes lacking in those areas as well as to be an example of a successful person of color to children,” she said.


Final Thoughts

“I found a community that would become my home away from home. APO made me feel welcomed and included immediately and I have been so excited to be able to continue my passion for service.” Jenny’s story of perseverance serves as a reminder that the collegiate journey is not solely about academics. It’s about the experiences we gather, the skills we develop, and the relationships we build. It’s about stepping out of our comfort zones and challenging ourselves to learn, grow, and excel.