Boys Hope Girls Hope Logo
Our Impact

At Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of young individuals. Through our scholar programming and collegian programming, we provide comprehensive support and resources to help students achieve their academic and personal goals. Our dedicated team of professionals and board of directors is passionate about empowering young people to reach their full potential. Join us in our mission to create a better future for the youth in our community. We invite you to join us to hear more at our Success Starts With Hope One Hour Breakfast.  For more information or to be included on our invite list please email

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Shaken, Not Stirred

Martini Party & Fundraiser

Stay Tuned for the
Shaken, Not Stirred Martini Party
2025 Date


Join us every February for our annual Shaken, Not Stirred Martini Party!

Guests can expect a great night of music and dancing, a live and silent auction, specialty martinis and a delicious menu of local flavors.

Invite your friends, dress in cocktail attire, enjoy a night out and help a great cause!