Stories & Updates
Accelerating Impact Kick-Off!
What Is Accelerating Impact?Funded by the Templeton Foundation, the Accelerated Impact initiative is a pioneering pilot program that introduces "positive peer groups." These groups, organized based...
Scholar Highlight | Volunteering with Assistance League of Denver
Throughout the2023-2024 academic year, scholars completed over1,954 hours ofcommunity service!This summer, Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado Scholars volunteered at the Assistance League of Denver's...
Volunteer Highlight | Career Readiness with West Monroe
We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of our volunteers at Boys Hope Girls Hope Colorado. Their dedication helps us in our mission of making a significant impact within our...
Volunteer Highlight | Mark Paricio
We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of our volunteers at Boys Hope Girls Hope Colorado. Their dedication helps us in our mission of making a significant impact within our...
Scholar Highlight | Summer Programming
Throughout the month of June, Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado (BHGHCO) scholars have been engaged in a number of activities that have them out and about even more than usual! Summer is the perfect...
Juan Carbajal’s 2024 Hope Challenge Speech
"Boys Hope Girls Hope has made a tremendous impact on my life. They have inspired me, empowered me, ignited me, and most importantly, given me hope. I hope I can make a difference and bring that...
Volunteer Highlight | Amy Bertle
We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of our volunteers at Boys Hope Girls Hope Colorado. Their dedication helps us in our mission of making a significant impact within our...
Volunteer Highlight | Liz Abell
We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contribution of our volunteers at Boys Hope Girls Hope Colorado. Their dedication helps us in our mission of making a significant impact within our...
Jimena’s Journey
Stepping into the world of academia can be both thrilling and daunting. There are countless new experiences to embrace, an array of knowledge to absorb, and a multitude of opportunities to seize. A...
Collegian Highlight | Jenny’s Journey
Stepping into the world of academia can be both thrilling and daunting. There are countless new experiences to embrace, an array of knowledge to absorb, and a multitude of opportunities to seize. A...
Starting College During a Global Pandemic
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From Refugee Camp In Nepal to DU in the Fall
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